
You probably don't need to validate UTF-8 strings

Written 2024-05-16

Strings are important to all programmers, but to us bioinformaticians, they are absolutely central. The layout of strings is just a slice of bytes in memory, so you'd think the string data type is not an interesting design space when designing a programming language - but you'd be wrong! In this post, I'll compare and contrast the design of strings in Rust and Julia.

Table of contents
  1. Why not also compare Python's strings?
  2. Mutability
  3. Struct definitions
  4. Indexing into strings
  5. Accessing the underlying bytes of a string
  6. Enforced valid UTF8
    1. How do you handle invalid UTF8?
    2. You probably don't actually care whether your string is UTF8
    3. Preempting some arguments
    4. Arguments for enforced UTF8
  7. Rust's and Julia's string APIs
  8. Conclusion

Why not also compare Python's strings?

Python was my first programming language, and is a language I'm deeply familiar with, so it'd be obvious to include Python's str in the comparison. Unfortunately, Python comes from such a different place than Rust or Julia - it was designed in the 1990's, and it was never designed to be used for computationally demanding tasks. For a thorough explanation of Python's strings, I recommend reading Victor Skvortsov's deep dive on the subject.

Perhaps the main difference from Python to Julia and Rust is that the latter languages are from the early 2010's, where the UTF8 encoding scheme had become the dominant string encoding - ~98% of web sites are encoded in UTF8 according to Wikipedia. As such, when Julia and Rust were designed, it was obvious to represent strings as byte arrays encoded in UTF8. Explaining UTF8 itself is outside the scope of this post, but I recommend reading up on it if you do any serious string processing in your own code.


In Julia, data types are declared as mutable or immutable types, and String is one of the immutable ones. Mutating strings requires unsafe functions[1] and may cause undefined behaviour. The reason Julia strings are immutable is a question of semantics: A string's value is identical to its content. If strings were mutable and I changed a string from "box" to "fox", it's not the same string that has changed, but instead a new string that was created from the same memory, similarly to how the number 4 and the number 5 are distinct numbers, even though it's possible to mutate a piece of memory from storing a 4 to storing a 5.

In Rust, it is variables and not types which are mutable or immutable, and so Strings can be mutated though a mutable variable or reference. Strings also supports dynamic resizing (e.g. my_string.push).

Why doesn't Julia have per-variable mutability instead of per-type mutability? One reason is simplicity: Per-type mutability obviates the need to have two kinds of bindings: x and mut x. Another issue is Julia's lack of a borrowchecker: If all data can be mutated through a mutable variable, for the compiler to know if some data is immutable, it needs to know that no other part of the program holds a mutable reference to it, and so the compiler needs to enforce something like Rust's ownership rules. In contrast, if the values of some types are always immutable, the compiler knows data of that type is immutable no matter who holds references to it.

As always, immutability comes with a performance penalty: Mutating values is generally faster than creating new ones. This causes problems when working with immutable types: For efficiency, we want to be able to mutate strings instead of having to allocate new ones when we manipulate them. But, for the compiler to be able to treat strings as immutable, we need to guarantee that we can never observe strings being mutated. To solve this conflict and allow mutating data which is supposed to be immutable, Julia uses the following interesting pattern in its internals:[2]

mem = unsafe_wrap(Memory{UInt8}, Base._string_n(8))
copyto!(mem, 0x61:0x68)
str = String(mem)

In this code:

  1. The internal function Base._string_n(8) creates a string with 8 bytes of uninitialized memory

  2. The unsafe_wrap calls returns a Memory{UInt8} view of the string. Because there are no longer any references to the string after creating mem and so the string cannot be observed, mutating mem is legal

  3. We mutate the memory, in this example using copyto!. In real code, this mutation would write the actual content of the string.

  4. Finally, String(mem) creates a string from the memory. If mem is never referred to again in the program, the resulting string can never be observed to mutate.

It's not exactly pretty. Perhaps a better design would expose _string_n as public, have String(::Memory{UInt8}) copy, and introduce unsafe_takestring(::Memory{UInt8}) to create zero-copy strings from memory. Or perhaps not. The risks of accidentally stumbling into undefined behaviour territory might make APIs like this a minefield.

Struct definitions

The definition of String in Rust is pretty straightforward:

pub struct String {
    vec: Vec<u8>,

The Vec<u8> contains the content of the string, encoded in UTF8. Vec is, of course, also implemented in Rust. If I inlined the composition of Vec and the composition of those structs etc, then String has the following layout:

struct IllustrativeString {
    ptr: *u8,
    capacity: usize,
    len: usize,

Note that the actual in-memory ordering of fields of Rust structs is an implementation detail decided by the compiler.

More commonly used is the str type, which can be considered a string view. It's almost always (always?) a borrowed reference, so it's mostly seen as &str. This type is built into the Rust compiler, but contains only a pointer and a length.

It's quite the meme that Rust has tonnes of different string types: String, str, OsString, OsStr, CString, Cstr and possibly more. Part of this complexity comes from Rust having to duplicate every type to have an owned and a borrowed version. Interestingly, the same borrowchecker which enables Rust to avoid creating types in immutable/mutable pairs, forces Rust to create owned/borrowed pairs of types.

In Julia, String is implemented in C and is one of the few completely opaque types in the language, i.e. its layout can't be introspected from Julia itself. However, I believe it consists of this data, stored on the heap, in order:

  1. The length of the string, in a word-sized integer

  2. The UTF8 data of the string itself

  3. A trailing null byte, for easier C interop

In Julia, it's passed around as a single pointer to this heap data.

Besides just a handful of the most basic functionality such as instantiating strings, and getting the number of bytes in the string and a pointer to its content, all methods of strings are defined as ordinary Julia functions. So, while the String type itself is opaque in Julia, luckily nearly all string functions are visible using Julia's introspection.

Indexing into strings

In both Rust and Julia, you can slice into strings to get a substring. For example, here, in Julia:

julia> "alphabeta"[3:5]

These indices are byte indices and the result is a newly allocated String (similar to how slicing into an array allocates a new array). The first and last index must be the starting bytes of characters, else you get a runtime error:

julia> "alpæabeta"[3:5]
ERROR: StringIndexError: invalid index [5], valid nearby indices [4]=>'æ', [6]=>'a'

Rust works the same way, except it returns a &str and so does not allocate.

Rust and Julia differ in that Julia allows indexing with a scalar to produce a Char. This, too, will fail if the index provided is not the first byte index of a Char in the string. This scheme allows O(1) access to characters, providing the caller knows the byte index of the character.

Rust intentionally does not allow indexing with integers, allegedly in order to not confuse users into believing the index represent a character index instead of a byte index - but I think that's not a very convincing argument given that slicing already does work using byte indices.

Accessing the underlying bytes of a string

This is done in two quite different ways in Rust and Julia that are characteristic of the languages:

In Rust, my_string.as_bytes() returns the data of the string as a byte slice - &[u8]. Notably, the slice type (&[T]) is the most basic type in Rust to represent a view into a contiguous chunk of memory with elements of type T. In fact, when operating on Vec<T>, if you don't need to resize the vector, it is idiomatic to write functions that take a slice &[T] instead of the vector itself. Rust will automatically convert (dereference) the vector to a slice when calling the function (because Vec<T> implements the trait Deref<Target = &[T]>), and in this manner, the function is more generic and will also work on, for example, the bytes of a string.

In contrast, in Julia, codeunits(my_string) produces a dedicated CodeUnits{UInt8, String} object that wraps my_string and is an instance of AbstractVector{UInt8}.

Both objects provide zero-cost access to the bytes using a vector-like type. Where they differ most starkly is how they allow generic user code to operate on this array-like object:

Julia relies on the fact that CodeUnits subtypes AbstractVector, and that the CodeUnits objects therefore can be used with any code that works with generic AbstractVector values. Since many different types in Julia, such as ranges, similarly subtype AbstractVector, the user has a strong incentive to write their functions generically enough to accept AbstractVector. In turn, this leads to Julia code being highly composable. For example, if someone wrote a library with a function that was intended for, say Vector, I can most likely plug in a CodeUnits, or even a range, and it'll still work.

In this case, Rust enables generic code in the exact opposite manner: Instead of unifying different types with a disparate implementation into a single interface, it allows many different types to share the same data layout: Strings, vectors, paths and more can be represented as a byte slice &[u8].

Compared to the Julia approach, this is much less generic - for example, ranges cannot dereference into a slice, so methods taking &[T] won't work on ranges. On the flip side, because the data layout of a slice is well-defined, it's possible to provide much more optimised code for slices than for an abstract vector - for example, one can call memchr on any &[u8], but not on any abstract vector. Also, the behaviour of a function that takes a single, concrete type - a slice - is easier to reason about than code that may operate on any type that subtypes AbstractVector.

Enforced valid UTF8

Okay, this is the big one: In Rust, strings are always valid UTF8, and attempting to create a string with invalid UTF8 will panic at runtime:

fn main() {
    println!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(b"\xff\x02").unwrap());
thread 'main' panicked at src/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Utf8Error { valid_up_to: 0, error_len: Some(1) }

In contrast, Julia allows invalid UTF8 in strings:

julia> s = String(b"\xff\x02")

julia> isvalid(s)

In my opinion, this is the most interesting difference between Rust and Julia strings. These behaviours are very much intentional, and when I've asked around about this design decision, both the Rust and Julia community argue forcefully in favor of the design of their language.

What's up with that difference? Let's dig in!

First, remember the value propositions of the two languages. To put it pointedly:

My argument is that the approaches taken by Rust and Julia makes sense given their respective language design goals. However, I believe Julia's paradigm of "UTF8 by convention" is overall the better design in most situations, and probably also would have been better for Rust.

How do you handle invalid UTF8?

Suppose you are writing a function that needs to read the lines of a text file. The file is probably UTF8, but how do you know? It could've been saved in another format like latin1, or it could be saved in UTF8, but have been slightly corrupted since then.

What is the design space here? How could Julia behave, if we were to redesign it from scratch?

One option is to have String constructors throw an exception when encountering invalid UTF8. This would, ironically, create a correctness footgun: Your code would work fine during testing, all up until the moment it (unexpectedly) hits a non-UTF8 file and crashes. That violates a tenet of good code: If your code crashes unexpectedly, it should be because your code is bad, not because the data you process is bad. Also, this approach prevents you from actually handling non-UTF8, because simply exiting the program when encountering non-UTF8 is not handling it - you program in fact, does not work with non-UTF8.

Another option is to not crash immediately when encountering non-UTF8, but defer the decision to the user. For example, Julia could return some MaybeUTF8Bytes object that then needs to be unwrapped to either error or get a valid UTF8 string. This is what Rust does. This way, it forces the user to consider the existence of other encodings (or corrupted data). This has two issues:

The third option is to make the UTF8 check opt-in. Julia would accept strings with arbitrary (non-UTF8) bytes, and if the user cares to handle the edge case, they would have to run some sort of isvalid check themselves. This is where Julia has landed. Interestingly, the Zig language takes it even further and says that strings are just arrays of u8, similar to C. Julia differs from Zig and C in that its string are a distinct type, which is useful to prevent type confusion, and for specializing some methods for strings, such as displaying them differently.

The advantage of Julia's approach here is clear: Less boilerplate, and by default the ability to handle other encodings. The disadvantage? Well, perhaps it's not so great as you think:

You probably don't actually care whether your string is UTF8

No wait, that doesn't make any sense. If you don't verify your string is UTF8, your 'string' could be arbitrary bytes which you can't make sense of. How do you meaningfully process data if you don't know its structure?

Here's the thing: I'll grant that you need to know your input bytes are structured, but the structure you care about isn't UTF8.

Let's consider two kinds of program that handles strings:

Some programs are input structure agnostic, such as cat, hexdump, and ripgrep. They're agnostic because they don't really process strings, but the content of arbitrary files, no matter their format. Really, they just process byte streams, so here, UTF8 validation is clearly counterproductive.

Speaking of which - if you want to be able to write these kinds of programs, then you probably also want other string types that is not necessarily UTF8. Rust handles this by also having the extra types OsString and OsStr, as well as CString and CStr. In fact, ripgrep is based on the bstr type in Rust - which, just like Julia's strings are non-validated UTF8-by-convention. The author of ripgrep has written a blog post about the motivation for bstr which is worth reading and re-iterates some of the same arguments I've put forth here. Having to use all these strings types are wonderfully rigorous, but also a meme-worthy level of pedanticness, and not exactly a nice user experience for the programmer.

But what about programs which do care about the structure of their input? An example could be a program which reads a JSON file, or a CSV file, or a tabular output file. However, in every single case I can think of, programs which read structured data have stricter requirements of their input than being merely UTF8, so UTF8 validation doesn't buy you anything.

For example, JSON is a subset of UTF8, so when parsing JSON, you can't just check for the input being UTF8 - you would need to match the input against a much smaller set of accepted bytes which constitute valid JSON, probably using a state machine or such. This is also the case when dealing with CSV files, TOML files, TSV files, and every other format in existence.

Practically speaking, every time you read an input file, you either only care about it as a stream of bytes, or else you need to parse it into a format which is more strict than UTF8. What kind of program could possibly take input data and requires it to be UTF8, but have no more restrictions on its input? There is one type of program I can think of: Functions whose output is obliged to return UTF8, because its consumer tells you it requires UTF8. An example would be a JSON parser, where strings in JSON format must be UTF8, but can be arbitrary UTF8. However, this is UTF8 for the sake of it being UTF8 - they need to be UTF8 because JSON demands they are UTF8, not because of any real-life constrains on the data.

Let me demonstrate what I mean: If you know that a string is UTF8 but not anything else about its format, what useful knowledge have you gained about the string?

In fact, I'm struggling with coming up with a single thing that you can correctly and consistently do with UTF8 text that you can't do with a bunch of opaque bytes - not including self-justifying reasons like "you can count the number of UTF8 codepoints in a UTF8 string".

Preempting some arguments

What about a tool like cut? In order to cut a line by, say, \t, you need to know how \t is encoded, but you don't need to know anything else. So, for a tool like cut, you need to know exactly that the encoding is UTF8.

Yes, well, or latin1 - the most common encoding scheme after UTF8. Forcing UTF8 would incorrectly reject latin1 files.

Anyway, a more important reason is: Why is cut used - i.e. why do you need the second tabular column? Let's say you use it to parse a two-column TSV file using a Unix pipe, like tail file.tsv -n +2 | cut -f 2 | awk '{s += $1} END {print s}'.

Well, in that case, if the program needs to validate that it operates on well-formatted data, then it needs to validate that the file is actually a two-column TSV file as is being assumed by the pipeline. It's completely insufficient to just validate the input is UTF8.

If you have a string and don't know it's valid UTF8, simple operations like lowercasing, iterating, and checking the number of codepoints give meaningless, undefined results. This violates the principle that programs should not produce faulty results silently.

That's not right - all of these operations can be perfectly well defined on malformed UTF8 strings. We can simply decide to not lowercase ill-formed codeunit sequences and not include them when counting codepoints[3].

Now you could say that that's not semantically meaningful - simply skipping ill-formed sequences may be correct according so some arbitrary ruleset, but if I write a program which tries to uppercase \xff\xff\x00\xa1, then nothing meaningful will come out of it - something clearly went wrong. You'd be right! But it's no less meaningless than trying to uppercase ҧăɗޒҒ|˫Ǎߑ, which is perfectly valid UTF8 - again, knowing something is UTF8 does not give it semantic meaning.

Arguments for enforced UTF8

I can come up with two good reasons for enforcing valid UTF8: First, Rust's way of returning Option or Result forces the programmer to at least consider non-UTF8ness. So, enforced UTF8 is beneficial when the programmer:

  1. Wants to correctly handle non-UTF8 data, and simultaneously

  2. Would otherwise forget that non-UTF8 data exists.

I find that combination rather unlikely though I'm sure it's the case for someone.

The second reason is that the user might call into a library that actually happens to require that a string is valid UTF8, and only UTF8. I'm not sure what kind of library which reasonably wants that, but perhaps a text rendering library?

Rust's and Julia's string APIs

I'd be remiss not to compare this aspect of strings, even though it's not really part of the design of the string type itself: The APIs of the functions used to manipulate strings.

Julia's string APIs is pretty good - but as usual, Rust's APIs are excellent:

Julia does seem to be slowly catching up to Rust over time. For example, I used to gripe that Julia didn't have a non-allocating splitter, in-place line reading, a reverse splitter, non-allocating string search methods, but these have been added the last few years.


Strings are carefully designed in both Rust and Julia, and while strings are implemented as 'just' a byte array in both languages, there are some small but significant differences in their designs. Some of the differences stem from overarching language differences - more precisely Rust's borrowchecker, and Julia's abstract types.

Overall, Julia's strings are a more opaque data type that behaves in a special, privileged manner, compared to strings in Rust. This is somewhat inevitable as Julia is not completely self-hosted[4], so the compiler has to be non-Julian at some low level.

A major design difference is that Rust strings are enforced to be valid UTF8, whereas Julia's aren't. I believe Julia made the better choice here overall, although Rust's extra validation fits well into the language's core values. Other than this issue, Rust's strings are manipulated through methods with a stellar API, which Julia could learn a lesson or two from.

[1] Unlike Rust, Julia doesn't have a conceptual firewall between safe and unsafe code and it's indeed possible to mutate a string without unsafe code, but this is probably a bug.
[2] These are subject to change, as it's Julia's internals. Also, this precise pattern so far only exist in beta releases of Julia, not able stable versions. There is not currently any public API that allows allocation of uninitialized strings.
[3] See the Unicode standard version 15.0, chapter 3, section C10 and D89.
[4] Julia is partially self-hosted, in that a bunch of the compiler is written in Julia. Since Julia can't yet compile to static executables, it's mysterious to me how it's possible for Julia to bootstrap itself.